-世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会联盟 (IFOS) 副主席
-法国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科协会 (SFORL) 前主席
-法国国家健康与医学研究院 (INSERM) 听觉植入微创机器人实验室 (UMRS-1159) 负责人
-法国巴黎公立医院集团 Pitie-Salpetrier 医院耳科、颅底外科、听觉植入中心 前主任
-法国巴黎七大附属 Beaujon 医院耳鼻咽喉科 前主任
-法国神经纤维瘤病 2 型诊治中心主任
-中法联合耳科及耳神经外科临床研究中心 法方主任
-CORLAS 协会、Barany 协会、欧洲耳科及神经耳科协会等理事
Sterkers 教授是世界顶尖的耳神经颅底外科医师,在法国最早系统开展听神经瘤诊治、人工听觉重建等手术,发表了超过 170 篇学术论文,被引用次数逾 2 千次,H 因子达 28,主编参编 10 余本专著。牵头设计及研制出世界第一台获临床准入的耳科手术机器人 Robotol。
Ear surgery outcomes have been improved during the last 40 years by the progress of surgical micro- scope in the magnification and more recently by the endoscope for the narrow and deep operating field, although it still remained a manual procedure. As already pointed out by Sir Charles Bell in « The Human Hand » published in 1833, the hand has many degrees of freedom but its accuracy is limited by several factors. To overcome these difficulties, we have designed in our research laboratory (Inser- m/Sorbonne Université UMR-1159) since 2007 a robot dedicated to ear surgery, named RobOtol.
The research team comprised Otologists, Robotician ingeneers and Industrial support (Collin-ORL). The RobOtol obtained the CE mark in 2016. The main applications to ear surgery with this surgical robot concern otosclerosis and chronic otitis (ossicle replacements), cochlear implantation, and middle ear en- doscope surgery. Clinical studies are currently undergoing.
Institute of Medical Robotics