Yang Jie is Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Hamburg, Germany (level 2), a doctoral tutor, Director of the Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Head of the national key discipline of "pattern recognition and intelligent systems", has undertaken more than 30 national and provincial scientific research projects (eight national natural fund projects, four national 863 plan projects, three 973 plan sub-projects, six Sino-French China-Japan China-Korea Sino-Singapore international cooperation projects, one Shanghai major project, five Shanghai key projects). Seven achievements won provincial and ministerial achievement awards, and more than 30 invention patents have been authorized. He was selected as the "Cross-century Excellent Talent Training Program" by the Ministry of Education and the "Dawning Tracking Program" of Shanghai's "Dawning Outstanding Scholars". He served as Director of the special committees of three societies and six editorial boards (including two SCI journals). He has published five monographs at home and abroad, and published more than 400 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals and conferences, of which more than 200 were indexed by SCI. He cited more than 1000 times. About the papers he supervised, in which two doctoral dissertations won national excellent doctoral dissertations, two won Shanghai excellent doctoral dissertations, and one won Shanghai excellent master's thesis. He is Chairman of the conferences, Chairman of the organizing committee, and Chairman of the sub-conferences of more than 10 international conferences. Professor Yang is also invited lectures more than 10 times in famous international universities or conferences.
Research Interests
Artificial intelligence, medical image analysis, computer vision, medical big data analysis, surgical navigation
Selected Publications
1. Yang Jie “Prioritized Justification-based Nonmonotonic Logic and its Applications" 德国 Verlag Shaker,1994, ISBN 3-8265-0120-9.
2. Chen Nianyi, Lu Wencong, Yang Jie. Support Vector Machine in Chemistry. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2004, ISBN 981-238-922-9.
3. 杨杰 姚莉秀 《数据挖掘算法及其应用》,2011年1月由上海交通大学出版社出版,获国家科学技术著作出版基金资助。
4. 杨杰 张翔 《视频目标检测和跟踪及其应用》,2012年8月由上海交通大学出版社出版,获国家科学技术著作出版基金资助。
5. 杨杰 乔宇 《医学影像分析和三维重建及其应用》,2014年12月由上海交通大学出版社出版
6. 杨杰 黄晓霖 高岳 乔宇 屠恩美 《人工智能导论》,2019年机械工业出版社出版,已签订出版合同,目前排版印刷中
Journal Papers
1.Fanghui Liu, Xiaoling Huang,Chen Gong, Jie Yang*,Johan Sukens, Indefinite Kernel Logistic Regression with Concave-inexact-convex Procedure, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 卷: 30 期: 3 页: 765-776 出版年: MAR 2019
2.Yulei Qin ; Juan Wen ; Hao Zheng ; Xiaolin Huang ; Jie Yang* ; Lingqian Wu ; Ning Song ; Yue-Min Zhu ; Guang-Zhong Yang , Varifocal-Net: A Chromosome Classification Approach Using Deep Convolutional Networks,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2905841
3.Yun Gu, Khushi Vyas, Jie Yang*, Guang-Zhong Yang*, Transfer Recurrent Feature Learning for Endomicroscopy Image Recognition,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, VOL. 38, NO. 3, 791-801,MARCH 2019.
4.Liu Wei; Embedding Bilateral Filter in Least Squares for Efficient Edge-preserving Image Smoothing;Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
5.Qin, Yulei; Zheng, Hao; Huang, Xiaolin; Yang Jie*, Pulmonary nodule segmentation with CT sample synthesis using adversarial networks, MEDICAL PHYSICS 卷: 46 期: 3 页: 1218-1229 出版年: MAR 2019
6.Fanghui Liu, Chen Gong, Xiaoling Huang,Tao Zhou, Jie Yang*, Dachen Tao, Robust Visual Tracking Revisited: From Correlation Filter to Template Matching, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 卷: 27 期: 6 页: 2777-2790 出版年: JUN 2018
7.Chen Gong, Tongliang Liu, Yuanyan Tang, Dacheng Tao, Jian Yang, Jie Yang. A Regularization Approach for Instance-based Superset Label Learning, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS. 48(3):967-978,Mar. 2018.
8.Liu, Fanghui; Thou, Tao; Gong, Chen; Fu Keren,Bai Li, YANG Jie*;Inverse Nonnegative Local Coordinate Factorization for Visual Tracking;IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY; 28(8): 1752-1764, AUG 2018
9.Zhou, Lei; Zhao, Yu; Yang, Jie*; Deep multiple instance learning for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images; IET IMAGE PROCESSING;12(4): 563-571,APR 2018 市科委
10.Gong Chen; Tao Dacheng; Liu Wei; Liu Liu; Yang Jie*, Label Propagation via Teaching-to-Learn and Learning-to-Teach,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 28(6):1452-1465,Jun 2017. N15(1),973
11.Jin, Qiyu; Miyashita, Osamu; Tama, Florence; Yang, J . Poisson image denoising by piecewise principal component analysis and its application in single-particle X-ray diffraction imaging
IET IMAGE PROCESSING 卷: 12 期: 12 页: 2264-2274 出版年: DEC 2018
12.Kasabov, Nikola, Lei Zhou*, Maryam G. Doborjeh*, Zohreh Gholami, Jie Yang, New Algorithms for Encoding, Learning and Classification of fMRI Data in a Spiking Neural Network Architecture: A Case on Modelling and Understanding of Dynamic Cognitive Processes, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 卷: 9 期: 4 页: 293-303, DEC 2017
13.Fanghui Liu, Chen Gong, Tao Zhou, Keren Fu, Xiangjian He and Jie Yang*, Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Multiple Coding, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 19(12): 2680-2691, DEC 2017.
14.Chenjie Ge, Nikola Kasabov, Jie Yang. A spiking neural network model for obstacle avoidance in simulated prosthetic vision , Information Science. Volume 399, August 2017, Pages 30-42.
15.Keren Fu, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Jie Yang*. Saliency Detection by Fully Learning A Continuous Conditional Random Field, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 19(7):1531-1544,JUL 2017.
16.Tu, Enmei, Nikola Kasabov, Jie Yang*. "Mapping Temporal Variables Into the NeuCube for Improved Pattern Recognition, Predictive Modeling,and Understanding of Stream Data" IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems,28(6):1305-1317,Jun 2017.
17.Wei Liu,Jie * ; Robust Color Guided Depth Map Restoration,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), v 26, n 1, p 315-326, January 2017.
18.Wei Liu ; Xiaogang Chen ; Jie Yang* ; Qiang Wu. Variable Bandwidth Weighting for Texture Copy Artifacts Suppression in Guided Depth Upsampling, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27(10):2072-2085,OCTOBER 2017.
19.Zhang Tao, Jia Wenjing, He Xiangjian, Yang Jie. Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Motion Weber Local Descriptor for Violence Detection . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,27(3): 696-709, Mar. 2017
20.Tao Zhou, Harish Bhaskar, Fanghui Liu and Jie Yang*. Graph Regularized and Locality-constrained Coding for Robust Visual Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,27(10):2153-2164,OCTOBER 2017 N12,973
21.Pengpeng Zhang; Yu Qiao; Shengzheng Wang,Jie Yang*, Yuemin Zhu, A robust coherent point drift approach based on rotation invariant shape context, Neurocomputing, vol. 219,pp:455-473, Jan. 2017.
22.Enmei Tu, Yaqian Zhang, Lin Zhu, Jie Yang, Nikola Kasabov. "A Graph-Based Semi-Supervised k Nearest-Neighbor Method for Nonlinear Manifold Distributed Data Classification", Information Sciences,v 367-368, p 673-688, November 1, 2016
23.Chen Gong, Dacheng Tao, Stephen J. Maybank, Wei Liu, Guoliang Kang, Jie Yang. Multi-modal curriculum learning for semi-supervised image classification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), v 25, n 7, p 3249-3260, July 2016.
24.Wang, Shengzheng; Tao, Dacheng; Yang, Jie, Relative Attribute SVM plus Learning for Age Estimation ,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS;46(3): 827-839, MAR 2016.
25.Zhang, Tao; Jia, Wenjing; Zhu, Yuemin; Yang Jie, Automatic tracking of neural stem cells in sequential digital images, BIOCYBERNETICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 36(1): 66-75, 2016.
26.Keren Fu, Chen Gong, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Jie Yang*, Normalized Cut-Based Saliency Detection by Adaptive Multi-Level Region Merging,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(12):5671-5683,2015
27.Gong, Chen; Tao, Dacheng; Liu, Tongliang; Fu, Keren; Tu, Enmei; Yang, Jie*, Deformed Graph Laplacian for Semi-supervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,v 26, n 10, p 2261-2274, October 1, 2015.
28.Gong, Chen; Tao, Dacheng; Fu, Keren; Yang, Jie*, FLAP: Fick’s Law Assisted Propagation for Semi-Supervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,v 26, n 9, p 2148-2162, September 1, 2015.
29.Yipeng Song, Jie Yang, Lei Zhou, Yuemin Zhu. Electric Field Based Transfer Functions for Volume Visualization, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 35:270-277,2015.
30.Song, Yipeng ; Yang, Jie; Qiao, Yu; Zhu, Yuemin, Volume visualization based on the intensity and SUSAN transfer function spaces, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, v 18, n 1, p 110-117, 2015.
31.Chen, Xiaogang; Kang, Sing Bing; Yang, Jie*; Fast Edge-Aware Denoising by Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths ,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 卷: 25 期: 6 页: 897-909 出版年: JUN 2015
32.Zhou, Tao; He, Xiangjian; Xie, Kai; Fu, Keren; Zhang, Junhao; Yang, Jie, Robust visual tracking via efficient manifold ranking with low-dimensional compressive features, Pattern Recognition, v 48, n 8, p 2459-2473, August 1, 2015
33.Zheng, ZL; Yu, MD; Jia, J ; Liu, HW; Xiang, DH ; Huang, XQ ; Yang, J , Fisher discrimination based low rank matrix recovery for face recognition, PATTERN RECOGNITION, 47(11): 3502-3511,2014
34.Lei Zhou, Yu Qiao, Yijun Li, Xiangjian He and Jie Yang: Interactive Segmentation Based on Iterative Learning for Multiple-Feature Fusion. Neurocomputing volume 135, pages 240-252, 2014
35.Lei Zhou, Keren Fu, Yijun Li, Yu Qiao, Xiangjian He and Jie Yang: Bayesian Salient Object Detection Based on Saliency Driven Clustering. Signal Processing: Image Communication volume 29(3), pages 434-447, 2014.
36.Tianhao Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Xuelong Li, Jie Yang, Dacheng Tao (2010), Discriminative Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projections for Classification, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, IEEE, 40(1), 253-263, 2010.
37.Tianhao Zhang, Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li and Jie Yang. (2009) Patch Alignment for Dimension Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), IEEE, 21(9), 1299-1313, 2009.
Conference Papers
1.Fanghui Liu, Xiaolin Huang, Chen Gong, Jie Yang*, Li Li ,Nonlinear Pairwise Layer and Its Training for Kernel Learning,AAAI2018 N15(1) N15sweden(2) 973
2.Hao Zheng, Yun Gu, Yulei Qin, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang, Guang-Zhong Yang; Small Lesion Classification in Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI for Breast Cancer Early Detection; MICCAI2018,Granada,Spain,2018 市科委 973
3.Yun Gu; Khushi Vyas; Jie Yang; Guang-Zhong Yang; Weakly Supervised Representation Learning for Endomicroscopy Image Analysis,MICCAI2018,Granada, Spain,2018 市科委 973
4.Gu, Yun; Hu, Yang; Zhang, Lin; Yang Jie*; Yang Guangzhong; Cross-Scene Suture Thread Parsing for Robot Assisted Anastomosis based on Joint Feature Learning 25th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Madrid, SPAIN, OCT 01-05, 2018
5.Fanghui Liu, Xiaolin Huang and Jie Yang, Indefinite Kernel Logistic Regression, ACM Multimedia 2017. USA N15 N15sweden 863
6.Yun Gu, Khushi Vyas,Jie Yang*,Guangzhong Yang,Unsupervised Feature Learning for Endomicroscopy Image Retrieval, MICAAI2017 N15
7.Chen Gong, Dacheng Tao, Jie Yang. Teaching-to-Learn and Learning-to-Teach for Multi-label Propagation, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016. N15 973
8.Yun Gu, Chao Ma, Jie Yang, Supervised Recurrent Hashing for Large Scale Video Retrieval, ACM Multimedia, 2016. N15 973
9.Yun Gu, Guang-Zhong Yang, Jie Yang, Multi-View Multi-Model Embedding for Endomicroscopy Mosaics Classification, IEEE CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis, 2016.
10.Chen Gong, Dacheng Tao , Wei Liu, Stephen Maybank, Meng Fang, Keren Fu, Jie Yang, Teaching-to-Learn and Learning-to-Teach Saliency, 28th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2015).
11.Liu F, Zhou T, Yang J, et al. Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Regularization Multiple Locality Coding[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops. 2015: 72-80.
12.Fanghui Liu ,Tao Zhou, Irene Y.H. Gu , Jie Yang;Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Regularization Multiple Locality Coding, ICCV2015 workshop, 2015
13.Ying Wan, Xiongbiao Luo, Xiangjian He, Jie Yang et al. (2014), Diversity-Enhanced Condensation Algorithm and Its Application for Robust and Accurate Endoscope Electromagnetic Tracking, 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2014).
14.Gong, Chen ; Tao, Dacheng; Yang, Jie; Fu, Keren, Signed Laplacian embedding for supervised dimension reduction, Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2014), v 3, p 1847-1853, 2014
15.Gong, Chen ; Tao, Dacheng; Fu, Keren; Yang, Jie, ReLISH: Reliable Label Inference via Smoothness Hypothesis , Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2014), v 3, p 1840-1846, 2014
16. Fu, Keren; Gong, Chen; Yun, Yixiao; Li, Yijun; Gu, Irene Yu-Hua; Yang, Jie; Yu, Jingyi, Adaptive multi-level region merging for salient object detection, BMVC 2014 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014, 2014.
17. Tao Zhou, Xiangjian He, Kai Xie, Keren Fu, Junhao Zhang, Jie Yang, Visual tracking via graph-based efficient manifold ranking with low-dimensional compressive features, ICME2014.
18. Keren Fu, Chen Gong, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Jie Yang, Spectral Salient Object Detection, ICME2014.
19.Xiaogang Chen, Sing Bing Kang, Jie Yang, Jingyi Yu (2013), Fast Patch-based Denoising Using Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths, IEEE 2013 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2013).
20. Xiaogang Chen, Feng Li, Jie Yang, and Jingyi Yu (2012), A theoretical analysis of camera response functions in image deblurring, Computer Vision, ECCV 2012, LNCS, Vol.7578 LNCS, Part 7, 333-346, 2012.
21.Keren Fu, Jie Yang, Yue Zhou (2012), Salient Object Detection via Color Contrast and Color Distribution, The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2012), 2012.